Certifications and suppliers

Commitment from the choice of the components to the profile of our suppliers and partners.

The certifications strengthen even more BSB’s commitment to excellence in quality and environmental management. They are a recognition of our Company’s performance in offering products and services that meet highest international standards, demonstrating a focus on sustainability and continuous improvement, while ensuring customer satisfaction and respect for the environment.

ISO 9001:2015

Our 9001 Quality Management System certification defines the organization’s requirements related to quality in processes.

ISO 14001:2015 

Our ISO 14001:2015 Quality Management System certification means a commitment to a series of international processes on environmental management, which contributes to improving quality of life on the planet.

Eureciclo Partnership 

It is a  recognition of our Company’s commitment to offering products and services that meet the highest international standards, demonstrating a focus on sustainability and continuous improvement, while ensuring customer satisfaction and respect for the environment.

Information for suppliers

Dear supplier, below you will find the main documentation on our privacy policy, procurement, supply, occupational health and safety, and key registrations.

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